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high speed vertical injection molding machine Italy

Pizza and Pasta are some of the common foods that come to our mind when we think about Italy. However, are you familiar with the fact that Italy also produces great machines? Such machines are meant for performing the process of vertical injection molding. Preferred machine for it is producing products made of plastic.

How does a vertical injection molding machine work? It begins with melting plastic pellets. These pellets are small pieces of plastic. When the plastic melts, the machine pushes it in molds. Molds are custom shapes, in which we shape the plastic. Once filled, the molds are allowed to cool. The melted plastic hardens as it cools and takes the shape of the mold. It's used in the manufacturing of many things, and that includes car parts, electronic components, and even medical devices!

Vertical Injection Molding in Italy

This fast vertical injection molding machine with strong performance has been developed by the company LIZHU MACHINERY. This awesome type of machine can create plastic products at lightning speed! Vertical machine (the machines other than the horizontal machines are known as vertical machine), relative to the old machine, can bring many great benefits, has a lot of advantages.

The first big benefit is that the vertical injection molding machine requires a relatively small space, and requires less space than horizontal machines. This is particularly beneficial for factories with little space. Second, vertical machine can work a lot more faster and more accurately. Due to its common great quality, it makes more products in less time and with fewer errors in the products manufactured. Last but not least, the vertical machine is compatible and worked well with complex moulds. This allows it to manufacture products that are more complex as well as detailed, which is a significant advantage for manufacturers.

Why choose LIZHU MACHINERY high speed vertical injection molding machine Italy?

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